Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Do You Struggle With Writer's Block?

So. I am currently experiencing a writer's block.  I've had intentions of starting my third book.  I know the plot, the main character's name, and the working title.  And so far I've written Chapter One.  That's it.  Just the words "Chapter One."  I think I'm too easily distracted by the internet. Well I know I am actually.  For instance, do you know Pantone's color of the year?  I didn't until it popped up on my MSN page. It's greenery by the way in case you were interested. What does that mean anyway?  Also, I was fascinated (insert a sarcasm emoji here) to learn that many other actors were excited to see Brad Pitt at the Golden Globes.  I really don't know why but it was on my news page. And the fact that they've arrested some suspects in the Kim Kardashian robbery.  Now I can sleep better at night just knowing that.  And reading all the 3,250,000 blogs that I look at during the week.

And then there's Facebook.  Oh, good ol' political/religious ranting people on Facebook.  Most of the time I just scroll past the rants and raves.  But then I get sucked up into the craziness and spend WAY too much time debating with myself who is right and who is wrong.  Ugh.  Such a waste of time and yet there I am.  Then I make the mistake of really looking around my house and decide there's too much dust under the sofas.  And come on - if I don't get that dust right now - I'm not going to be able to concentrate. So on and on it goes.  Here's hoping that nothing "interesting" happens in the world in the next few months so maybe I can actually get the first paragraph written anyway. It may be 2019 before this book gets written.  Oh wait, is that a dust bunny that just rolled by?

Bio - I am a Maryland girl born and raised.  I've been married for 40 years (wow) to Joe and have two children, Greg and Kaitlyn, and three grandsons.  I didn't start writing until 2014.  We also have a house in southern North Carolina and will be retiring there in two years.  I hope to live out my life relaxing in my back yard, drinking wine and observing how badly people are at golf.


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